Lectures & Courses

Past Highlights

Maya Wiley | The Assault on Critical Race Theory

Maya Wiley, civil rights attorney and activist, discusses the assault on critical race theory, or CRT, as an approach to understanding, analyzing and discussing what systemic racism is how it works and what we can do about it.

Masha Gessen and Judith Butler | The Authoritarian Assault on Gender Studies

A conversation between Judith Butler and Masha Gessen. Introduced by former New College Student Senate President and current Hampshire College third-year student Libby Harrity.

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“Young People Can Change America: Youth Voting and Political Power” with David Hogg, Maisie Brown, Evan Malbrough and Brianna Cea

“Young People Can Change America: Youth Voting and Political Power” with David Hogg, Maisie Brown, Evan Malbrough and Brianna Cea

This talk is a part of Student Voting: Power, Politics and Race in the Fight for American Democracy, a collaborative course which was co-developed and is being taught jointly by faculty at Bard College, Tuskegee University, North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University and Prairie View A&M University.

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